Children of Blog Apr 2002 in Andypublic Web

Results from Andypublic web retrieved at 09:00 (GMT)

I could only come up with TheBible, DasCapital, TheWealthOfNations and TheSelfishGene (particularly for it's chapter on Memes . However, some other people have...
NEW - 11 Apr 2002 - 17:56 by andyp
Probably best known for her early 80's hit "O Superman" (at the time, the longest playing single released, I believe), Laurie Anderson is also a multi media artis...
NEW - 14 Apr 2002 - 19:35 by andyp
The Telephone Call, JanetCardiff, SanFranciscoMuseumOfModernArt, June 2001. You handed in some ID and a credit card, and you were issued with a video camera and h...
NEW - 14 Apr 2002 - 20:00 by andyp
Number of topics: 3
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