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Previous: BlogFebruary2003 Next: BlogApril2003 29th March 2003 Saw VladislavDelay at the CustardFactory gallery space, accompanied by groovy visuals. 24th March 2...
r9 - 17 Aug 2005 - 19:05 by andyp
Previous: BlogApril2003 Next: BlogJune2003 31st May 2003 FierceFestival: Saw the excellent RoomService by GobSquad at the HowardJohnsonHotel in WestBromwich. 29t...
r7 - 18 Sep 2003 - 23:05 by andyp
So, are you more likely to die from an Influenza Pandemic or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome?? Maybe it will be an Asteriod Impact?? Either way, the UK is now (...
NEW - 23 Apr 2003 - 22:14 by andyp
10th April 2003 Ate at the ShogunSushiAndNoodleBar in the Mailbox, Birmingham. This is the only Conveyor Belt Sushi place in Brum, and I think is only one of ...
NEW - 28 Dec 2003 - 13:51 by andyp
Types of Sushi Nigiri : Rectangles of rice, topped with a piece of fish, prawn, octopus, egg etc. Maki: Also known as finger rolls (about 4cm) or hand rolls (abou...
r4 - 23 Dec 2007 - 19:47 by andyp
What does the phrase "The Second Superpower" mean? According to this article ( ), its meaning has been re writte...
NEW - 05 Apr 2003 - 19:59 by andyp
Here's a quote from the first episode, where Carol is explaining to Stephen what it means to be a Tomorrow Person: Carol: Perhaps every child is a Tommorow Person...
NEW - 01 Apr 2003 - 18:26 by andyp
Statistics for Foswiki.Andypublic Web Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic S...
r9 - 10 Jun 2006 - 14:16 by andyp
Number of topics: 8
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