This market sells everything from fruit, veg and fish, to the latest trainers and octopus balls!
Ameyayokocho Market:
Little White Fish for Sale:
Leather Animals:
The lower floor of an amusement arcade featured these group photo booths known as Purikura. The idea is that you prance around in a booth with multiple cameras in whilst music plays and get various photos taken. Afterwards (I found out through extensive use of acting out and gestures), you go to another booth where you can annotate yours pics with kittens, puppies, stars and cakes!
Koi Pink Corner:
Annotations for Photo Booth Pics:
Octopus Balls
This shop made octopus balls in the window, and very tasty they were too! The moulds consist of hemispheres into which batter containing bits of octopus, veg etc. are poured and allowed to cook for a while. The cook then pours in another dose of the batter, allows it to cook on the flat section surrounding the moulds, then folds it up and rotates the balls to make them spherical. They're served with wasabi mayonaise and a sticky, slightly sweet sauce.