You are here: Foswiki>Andypublic Web>LeisureActivity (05 Jun 2007, andyp)Edit Attach

I used to say "I grow plants from seed as a hobby, so far, I've got Avocados (easy!), Lychees (never seem to be healthy) and Custard apples. I've also grown Carambola or 'Star fruit'. Carambola is probably the prettiest plant I've grown from seed, and has leaves which fold together at night or when touched. " which got me on a TV slot called "me and my webpage" for BBC Digital (before they had any viewers at all).Anyway, that's getting off topic - what I was going to say was that I still have the plants - but I wouldn't really consider it a hobby any more - like you're interested really...
Topic revision: r3 - 05 Jun 2007, andyp
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