Sherlock Holmes is probably the worlds greatest detective, famed for his powers of observation and deduction. The stories have a good rhythm, the characters of Holmes and Watson are well developed, though now appear stereotypical through their familarity.

I'm a particular fan of the Clive Merrison and Michael Williams BBC radio versions. They performed the whole canon.

Sherlock Holmes Sitting Room

In October 2004, I visited the Sherlock Holmes pub in Northumberland Street, London, which is full of Sherlockian memorabilia including a re-creation of Sherlock Holmes' sitting room. Visible features include the bust of Holmes with a gun shot, the papers on the front table are from Baskerville Hall, and some of the code from the Adventure of the Dancing Men is visible on the left.

  • Sitting room in Sherlock Holmes pub, London:

The Sherlock Holmes pub used to be the Northumberland Hotel, which is featured in The Hound of the Baskervilles

In LA, Chuck Kovacic has build a replica of Holmes's sitting room - , while Russ Stutler has drawn a plan of Holmes' apartment -
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holmes_study.jpgjpg holmes_study.jpg manage 67 K 07 Nov 2004 - 18:41 Unknown User Sitting room in Sherlock Holmes pub, London
Topic revision: r6 - 07 Nov 2004, andyp
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