Previous: Blog September 2003 Next: Blog November 2003
25th October 2003
Went to the
hothaus reinvention day organised by
20th October 2003
Started looking at
Spam Filtering Software.
18th October 2003
Nice Guide to Doctor Who episodes here - I'm currently watching
The Talonsof Weng-Chiang (
17th October 2003
A View From The Bridge by
Arthur Miller at
The Rep.
14th October 2003
Found this very interesting gif to sound applet:
I'd been planning some work along similar lines, so in a way I'm disappointed... but then it should make it easier to test my ideas.
Just tried... sounds promising...
12th October 2003
"We entered the country at midnight on March 26" -
- Looks like somebody has been sending form letters to US papers with various signatures.
Association Of British Drivers ("the motoring equivalent of the Countryside Alliance.") have been accused of the same thing. "Their preferred technique is for one or two writers to flood papers with pseudonymously penned letters to make it appear they have widespread public support."( )
10th October 2003
Underground Overground at the
Custard Factory. Saw
Misty's Big Adventure again, also films from
Seven Inch Cinema, an exhibition of photographs etc.
9th October 2003
Busy day: Started off with
On The Scent - a performance in a private house for an audience of 2, based on the Proustian qualities of smell, with a theme of Home/Home Sickness/Sickness. In fact, several seperate performances in 3 rooms, each with a single performer. Very good, very out of the ordinary.
Next, saw a reading of "Best of the Door" at the Rep - a play set in 14th? century England, where the 14 year old Silence (Lord of Cumbria?) is set to marry an older Woman.
Then on to
Birmingham Cathedral to see
Of All The People In All The World, a piece by
Stan's Cafe. Present were 60million grains of rice, one for everyone in the UK. Counted out on the floor were piles representing groups such as: the population of Birmingham, successful asylum seekers in the year 2002, the number of people killed on the roads each day, number of Buddhists in Birmingham etc. A fascinating piece, making statistics visceral. I've never seen one million of anything before, so it was amazing just to see one million grains of rice representing Birmingham's population.
In the evening, went to the
Comedy Kav for some great comedians and a follow up to the
Charity Crawl last Saturday.
7th October 2003
Nucle Art at the
Sunflower Lounge.
Marta de Menezes talked about her work using biological research techniques.
4th October 2003
"CharityCrawl" in
King's Heath. Saw
Mike In Mono at the
Custard Factory in the evening.
Previous: Blog September 2003 Next: Blog November 2003
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This is my blogchalk: United Kingdom, West Midlands, Birmingham, Moseley